In accordance with the provision of The Federal Law of Data Held by Private Individuals, M Hoteles Concepto seeks to ensure the privacy and the right of the treatment of your personal or sensitive data.
The Data contribution to M Hoteles Concepto, constitutes acceptance of the current notice. The Data can be transferred, shared and / or given to subsidiary societies, branches, affiliated and suppliers of M Hoteles Concepto, inside national territory or abroad, for identification purposes, as well to better understand the needs of our clients and to achieve a better service.
M Hoteles Concepto will be able to conserve the time that the law allows it, the information in our database in order to simplifying the benefit of the service.
The confidentiality, integrity and readiness of the Data is protected by safety administrative measures, technical and physical, to avoid its damage, loss, alteration, destruction, wrong use, access or undue popularization.
You will be able to exercise the access rights, rectification, cancellation or opposition to the treatment of your Data, presenting an application through the electronic mail:, or also you can contact, Vicente Guerrero 150, Centro Histórico, Morelia, Michoacán, México, C.P. 58000.
M Hoteles Concepto is reserved the right to change this Warning of Privacy in any moment, its continuous revision is recommended.